Project Management Overview
Project Management Overview
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. It is accomplished through the application and integration of project management processes of initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and closing. The project manager is the person responsible for project objectives.
Managing of a project includes:
Identifying the project requirement
Establishing a clear and achievable objectives
Balancing the triple enhanced constraint of scope, schedule, quality, cost and risk
Adapting the specifications, plan and approach to the different concerns and expectations of the various stakeholders
The key to successful project management is plan the work and work the plan. You must first plan out the project and then monitor and control the execution of the project activities. The plan was we all know is as good as what you execute. Project failure cab often be linked to failure in the planning process. Project been override by poor collect requirement, aggressive schedules etc.
There are three major deliverables from the project planning process. The project definition, the work plan and the project management procedures.
Lets discus further on Planning which is the bedrock of project management.
Planning is an art and science of converting a set of objectives to realization through a series of steps executed in an organized and predicted way so that there will be less requirement of changes in the scheme on a later day. Planning is a dynamic activity and it may change from time to time but planning is essential before the implementation or execution phase of the project starts.
The ultimate aim of the plan is to avoid course and mid course changes as too many changes can lead to time and cost over runs and eventually affect the project success. Role of a Project Manager and his team is of paramount importance at this stage.
A Project Management Plan is the outcome of this stage of project life cycle. The project management plan encompass the following aspects in details.
Unordered & Ordered Lists
- Why of the project ( Mitigating a threat or utilizing an opportunity)
- What is the objective of the project
- Who will execute what
- When will various activities be executed
- Where will the project be set up.
- How the project activities will be carried out
- How much of various items will be executive.
Plan and control are two significant stages in the project. The plan forms the basis for control of project activities. In essence, without plan there will not anything to control. Therefore, planning forms a major stepping stone towards project implementation and its success.