Time Management
We are all busy. Organisations are using fewer people to do more work than before. Tight deadlines, last-minute changes, rapid schedules, modern communications and the pace of business today all add to the pressure. More than ever we need to be effective in planning our workload and managing our time. If you find yourself constantly working extra hours just to keep up then you need Time Management training.
This course will help you assess your present situation, in terms of work and personal life – focusing on concepts essential to effective time management. This course will enhance the way you manage yourself effectively within your own time constraints, how to be better organize and prioritize your work/life tasks, as well as the people you manage. These skills will develop a more efficient and motivated individual, enabling increased outputs and productivity in any business area.
By leveraging time and change to your advantage, you will achieve maximizing the amount of work accomplished in the shortest amount of time, yet at the same time effective in what activity is performed and how it is managed.
Being more effective and efficient at work increases your confidence and motivation to greater levels of success. This Leadpoint training course will give you the opportunity to step back and get clear about what you want to achieve in the long and short term. It will then help you assess your present effectiveness and map out a plan to reach your professional and personal goals. This training course will focus on concepts essential to effective time, task management and work planning, enabling you to manage yourself effectively within your own time constraints, be better organized and prioritize your work/life tasks, as well as the people you manage.